Tuesday, June 23, 2015

More Flowers!!

Wow!!! I walk in the door, and go to the feed the cat.  The doorbell rings, and I think it's (what should I call her... the swinger - she just put up a swing to sit in on her front lawn) swinger.  BUT it's not.  It's flowers instead.... from him.... AGAIN.  The first time we met he brought me flowers and the ones today were because the divorce was finalized.  WOW!!  Even though I've told him how good getting the flowers made me feel, I just don't think he actually knows.

I feel that he cares. Duh CR!  No, but really.  I feel he cares because he knows I love flowers, he didn't have to send them, he didn't have to make sure they were my favorite color in the world, and he didn't have to keep it a secret from me especially when I was acting and writing to him that I didn't think he cared.

Yeah, the words to describe me aren't dumb and doofy.  They're stupid and very very lucky.

Can't write anymore because the keyboard is acting up and I need to figure out what the problem is.  But I had to get this down because of the way he makes me feel.  I'm going to close my eyes and fall asleep thinking of him, and how good it will feel to be in his arms tomorrow.

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