Sunday, June 24, 2007

Spoiled Rotten

A postcard from Kansas.

Here I am sitting in the sun by the pool. A slight breeze cools me as I watch DB swim with his cousins. The music is playing and and everyone is laughing and having a ball. I'm lovin' every second of it. The kids just asked me to go get pizza and sno-balls and bring it back so they don't have to leave the water.

Wishing you guys were here.... hugs 'n kisses


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

sounds great I wish I was there too.

Scraps said...

Ooh I'm jealous! I love to swim, and I never have the chance to go. The last time I went swimming was two years ago, I think (I was visiting cousins who have a fenced-in, in-ground pool, and the husband was in Europe on business, so I didn't have to worry about tzniut). Enjoy your time in Kansas!

Sarah Likes Green said...

sounds lovely.
it's winter here and i'm cold and dreaming of warmer times...

come running said...

hey you guys,
I totally wish that DB created his transporter already so that I could beam you here. He just needs some more soda cans, wire, screws and string, but I keep on throwing the stuff out.